Service & Worship
Ministry Leaders: Minister Earlene Baylor and Greg Harris

The Ministry of Service and Worship Council encapsulates all components associated with the overall worship experience of First Christian - music, ushers, dance, altar guild, and drama. First Christian looks forward to enhancing your worship experience through our God-given instruments of praise. We are always excited when you join us for worship and we invite you to any and all of our services. Our hope is that you enter with a spirit of expectation as we exercise our faith through song, dance, praise and prayer. Through our praise and worship, we set an atmosphere for your hearing from God through His preached word. When you leave a First Christian worship experience, we trust that your spiritual life and relationship with God are renewed.
Intercessory Prayer


Seeking God, standing in the gap to make up the hedges (build up) by interceding on the behalf of others in the world and pray without ceasing until a change has come.
We are dedicated to the Church and the programs that is held at FC3. Our duty is to greet and take care of convent needs. I am in charge of collecting tithes and offering and passing out fliers information.
Honour Dance Ministry

Anointed Dance Ministry

Minister through dance. To reach not only the people in First Christian but also, the surrounding communities. For ages 11 - 18.
Minister through dance. To reach not only the people in First Christian but also, the surrounding communities. For ages 18 and up.
FC3 Worship Choir

Rebirth Drama Ministry

Our mission is to minister the Word of God through song setting the atmosphere for the preached word to come forth and for a powerful move from God.
The Rebirth Drama Ministry is one of the most fun and exciting ministries of First Christian. We seek to present God's word through drama, especially with our Easter Experience productions.
Altar Guild

Our primary focus is Communion preparation and assistance plus maintaining the furnishings and garment needed. Assist our Pastors, leaders and others during the worship service, baby dedication, baptism celebration and other special occasions. We also decorate the narthex and certain areas of the church during the Christmas season and assist in coordinating flowers.